1. Browsing Access
In case you share a particular folder at your 4shared account, it becomes visible for other users, so
that they can browse it, whenever they wish to.
2. Moderator Access
You can allow moderator access to one or more of your folders at 4shared: in this case they will be
able to manage the files within the folder, copy, paste, rename or delete the files, create subfolders,
if it’s needed. You can also allow other users to upload and web grab files to/from your shared folder.
3. Add a folder to 4shared search
If you wish to share the folder from your 4shared account and make it possible to find it in 4shared
search, you can add it to 4shared search results, so that if any other person enters the name of your
folder in 4shared search bar, the folder will be easily found.
4. One-click Download
The shared folder can be downloaded in 1 click by other users, if you wish to provide them with such
sharing access level. In this case, they won’t have to wait before the downloading process starts.
Referenzen :
Jason, 23 “
My friends and me play in the band, so I’ve created 1 folder to give file sharing access
to the music pieces, we like to discuss, if everyone likes it, and if we can some guitar,
or drum techniques from a certain track, for example. It’s also good to download our new
demos, as soon Mike (our frontman) gets them from the sound-studio.”
Joshua, 35 “
I’m a volunteer in one of the NGOs in my home town, San Diego, and the created shared
folder in my account at 4shared includes all possible information about environmental protection,
eco-life and social services, provided by our organization. The folder is also open for
everyone to add their stories, interesting articles on the relative topics, etc. 4shared
is really helping us spreading the eco-ideas all over the world.”